We need partners to fulfill the mission and to bring the gospel to the nations. Your generous gifts help me to do just that. Please sow into this good fertile ground and become a partner today.
Thank you for your support!
Become A Full Time Partner
Dear Partner,
I thank you so much for partnering with Go Tell It Ministry Worldwide (GTIMW). You are going to enable us to impact lives through our various outreach efforts worldwide. We are grateful for our relationship with you. Partnership is “a covenant relationship between people who support one another in the achievement of a common goal.”
On Kingdom Business, †
Dr. Corletta J. Vaughn, Chief Apostle
and Servant Go Tell It Ministry Worldwide
A Faith Partner is someone who is committed to GTIMW and shares in its vision with your personal support. Therefore, we take our relationship with you very seriously. Together, we will accomplish great things for the Kingdom of God, because there is power in partnership. Thank you for making the connection!
$99 gets your Partnership with GTIMW started, then give on a consistent monthly basis and make a commitment to Pray for the Work that is In My Hands!
*Please use our PayPal payment online and Thank you for becoming a GTIMW partner
Benefits of Partnership
As a Faith Partner, your benefits include:
• GTIMW’s commitment to pray for you daily, weekly and monthly.
• A connection to the same anointing, and grace that’s on the life of Dr. Corletta J. Vaughn.
• Receiving a monthly partner letter from the desk of Dr. Corletta J. Vaughn to minister a timely word of encouragement.
• Occasional exclusive offers and discounts on various teaching resources by Dr. Corletta J. Vaughn.
• Opportunities for global mission trips.
• Exclusive round table, conference calls, and one-on-one meetings periodically.
• Exclusive invitations to special events hosted by GTIMW.
• Opportunities to volunteer GTIMW convention and other events.
What is A Faith Partner?
A Faith Partner is someone who is committed to GTIM and shares in its vision
with your personal support. Therefore, we take our relationship with you very
seriously. Together, we will accomplish great things for the Kingdom of God,
because there is power in partnership. Thank you for making the connection!
We remain,
$99 gets your Partnership with GTIMW started, then give on a consistent
monthly basis and make a commitment to Pray for the Work that is In My
To set people free from religious bondage and limitations by connecting
callings, gifts, and talents from every walk of life on every continent of
the world.
GTIM serves as a resource for global evangelism, church planting,
leadership development, mentoring, and Holy Ghost demonstrations
that exalt Jesus Christ as Lord.
Every time you support GTIM with monthly donations, a seed is being
sown into fertile ground, which will yield an abundant harvest in your
own life.
• Minister to the needs of orphans, destitute families, the homeless,
prisoners, women in prostitutions, and many hurting families.
• Help restore communities with clean water, hospitals, schools, and
suitable housing through connections with mission efforts
• Host conventions and special events, designed to change lives, in
cities and foreign countries.
• Produce teaching resources that minister the Word of God with
simplicity and understanding.
• Fund Global Evangelism, Church Planting and Support.
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Start Your Partnership
$99 today $25 montly
Monthly Partnership
Two Month Partnership
One Year Partnership
VIP Partnership