Welcome to
Go Tell It Ministry Worldwide
Dr. Corletta J. Vaughn | Presiding Prelate

Dr. Corletta Vaughn | Presiding Prelate

Go Tell It Ministries Worldwide, Inc. serves as a resource for global evangelism, church planting, leadership development, mentoring, and Holy Ghost demonstrations that exalt Jesus Christ as Lord.
Our Vision
To set people free from religious bondage and limitations by connecting callings, gifts, and talents from every walk of life on every continent of the world.
Resources & Strategies
Church Oversight
Every community needs a local
church that will offer hope and empowerment including:
- Church Planting
- Community Development
- Corporations
- Adult Learning & Education
- On The Job Training
- Skills & Trade Development
- Grant Writing
- Youth Programs
Preparing & Equipping
The Kingdom & Faith Bible College
- 2 year diploma of practical
- 4 year program Bachelors of Religious Education
- Teacher Certification for Bible Institutes & School of Ministry
"Those Preaching Women"
- A mobile College experience to provide equipping for women
already serving in full-time ministry.
- Leadership Development
- Music Publishing & Recording
- Internet Access (Web Design)
- Liturgical & Sacramental Services
- Church Renovations, Building
- Arts (Drama & Dance)
- Purchases, Housing
School of the Holy Spirit
Please will join us every Monday through Friday morning 7AM EST/6AM CST for School of the Holy Spirit with Bishop Corletta J. Vaughn Monday through Friday at 7 AM EST (6AM CST). Share and tag a friend!! #SchoolOfTheHolySpirit
Join Facebook LIVE School of The Holy Spirit here!
Zoom: https://gotellit-org.zoom.us/j/89221578573
YOUTUBE: REPLAY https://bit.ly/youtubebishopcjv
Dial In Conference # 425-436-6287/ 807507# with Bishop Corletta J. Vaughn