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Register for TPW Master Classes 

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 October 2023


LOGO TPW GTIM Preaching Woman - artwork.

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This MASTERCLASS 3-Day Event is for women who are serious about Owning the Call of God on their lives. Friday night opens with a beautiful meet-n-greet of extraordinary women from all over the world and Saturday begins early with classes taught by the best in ministry and scholarship. The Personal connectivity will be EVERYTHING! Three segments of 2.5 Hours throughout the day and students will chose from 3 main catergories of instruction.


Women of all ages and stages of ministry work are welcome to Masterclass

  • ASPIRING (just heard from God and needs help on all fronts)

  • EMERGING (participates in some ministry opportunities, but needs more clarity)

  • ESTABLISHED (involved heavily in ministry work, but needs sharpening, encouragement and fresh fellowship).




08:00 AM-10.30 AM |11:00 AM- 01:30 PM | 02:00 PM - 04:30 PM |

(Times are tenative and may change).


The VIRTUAL* and F2F* Experience equipping and fellowship for women who have one passion and desire.  To answer the Call to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and do it with efficiency and efficacy  

Those Preaching Women (TPW) stand on 3 Pillars of Instruction and Mentoring to teaching women how to:

  • Preach the Text

  • Look Amazing

  • Command the Oil

MASTERCLASS II 2020 is THEE signature event for women who are serious about Owning the Call of God on their lives and walking in the brilliance and power of that Call.  THREE FULL DAYS OF ACADEMICALLY SOUND THEOLOGICAL TRAINING, NETWORKING AND FELLOWSHIP.


CLASS SCHEDULE: (tentative) 

Thursday, October 22nd  9:30 AM- 4:30 PM  - Spiritual Formation. Dr. Jessica Ingram, Instructor

Friday, October 23rd 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM - Preaching The Story. Dr. Genetta Hatcher, Instructor

Saturday, October 24th: 9:30 AM- 4:30 PM - Passionate Pnuematology, School of the Holy Ghost. Dr. Corletta Vaughn, Instructor 

Women of God; Don't Miss this encounter, don't miss your TRIBE, don't miss the connections and sisterhood of clergy together!  

WHO SHOULD ATTEND?  Any woman who feels the call to Preach, Teach, Lead or Share the Gospel message

Aspiring - Just considering the call and cost to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Emerging - Called, but not yet a vocation or full time.

Established - This is FULL-TIME vessel who is totally committed to preaching and sharing in the Ministry as a vocation and serves in some form of leadership within the Body of Christ.

CAN MEN ATTEND? THE ANSWER IS ABSOLUTELY YES! Virtual or Face to Face. Men are welcome.


*DUE TO CORONA VIRUS (COVID-19) Face to Face attendance is LIMITED to 50 PPL. All others must enroll as a VIRTUAL participant.

Payment plan is available, please visit: EVENTBRITE

or email


Contact GTIMW

Message received. A team member will reach out to you soon!

1745 East Grand Blvd Detroit, MI  48211  (313)  579-2800 phone  (313) 579-2180 fax

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