Register for TPW Master Classes

Detroit, MI October 5-7, 2018

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This MASTERCLASS 2 Day Event is for women who are serious about Owning the Call of God on their lives. Friday night opens with a beautiful meet-n-greet of extraordinary women from all over the world and Saturday begins early with classes taught by the best in ministry and scholarship. The Personal connectivity will be EVERYTHING! Three segments of 2.5 Hours throughout the day and students will chose from 3 main catergories of instruction.
PH120 Ministerial Ethics and Decorum
Look amazing is a MANDATE of TPW and this course confronts critical issues discussion light of Scriptures, and the value system of the minister will be reviewed. Offense, forgiveness, personal self esteem and honor will be included, as well as the preacher/teacher on different stages, in different contexts, other than church. Government, Education, Media and Arts and so much more. How to go in and out and look amazing on every front.
CE101 Handling the Preaching Moment
A study of the skills necessary for the public delivery and composition of the homily. Includes needed attention to protocol, administration of the pulpit, decorum as well as emphasis knowing the order and spirit of a stage or platform. Dr. Leslye Walker-Edwards
CE104 What To Do With Joseph
The husband’s role and responsibilities in his wife’s ministry and the First Lady’s role if the husband is the senior gift. The life; the expectations, dilemmas, conflicts are handled with biblical solutions. Keeping your look with your mate always excellent. Dr. Patricia Jackson
CE112 Liturgy and Vestments
Proper conduct of service and correct instruction for the garments of the clergy will be addressed from the perspective of the church calendar and ministry rank. Elder Loletha Jefferson
FS102 Spiritual Protocol
Designed to familiarize ministers with God’s structure, order, and honor for the authority and polity of His House and other stages you will be invited to stand on. This will help you to prepare yourself going in and out of ministries other than your own, and how to discern the unique context of each space and look, act, think, and present well. Sonia Blackwell
FS103 Spiritual Authority
A course in Godly structure and authority. The framework for this training module will set the Scriptural stage for understanding order, respect of office, vessels of the house and boundaries within God’s house. Integrity and excellence will be the guiding theme of this class. Valorie McCune